20 Skillshare Classes For Bloggers & Creatives

I miss being a student. Can I just get that out there? Listen, I’m totally fine with a few eye rolls and scoffs at this statement… because I’m a big girl and I can handle it. *snaps in a z formation* Just know that you’re dealing with someone who always stated that my ideal profession in life would be being a student.

Sometimes I torture myself with schemes of creating a world where education continues for as long as life goes on. Think about it! Everyone in the world taking one class a year of their choosing. Be it interior design, woodworking, risk management… something that sets their heart racing. How incredible of a world would that be? One of the main truths I find myself repeating here on the blog is that everyone is creative. Everyone, if given the right tools to harness and train their creativity, has the absolute means to create beautiful and meaningful things. But as for attaining those means? That’s where the problem lies. In a lot of circumstances it’s not the lack of motivation to create, it’s a platform for learning that is missing.

20 Skillshare Classes For Bloggers & Creatives


That’s why when Skillshare came along, I pretty much threw my hands in the air and did my best impersonation of the “praise” emoji. Guys. For those of you who haven’t seen the light, Skillshare is an online learning community for creators of all levels (like me and you!) taught by industry experts who focus their online classes on the gem of a method, learning by doing. Skillshare’s mission is unlock the world’s creativity so that people can live adventurously and create awesome, incredible things (hence why I gave them the “praise” emoji reaction). After becoming a member, you have access to an unlimited amount of online classes you can complete in your own time in a variety of different subjects (from sewing to coding and everywhere in between). Plus, the collaborative and supportive community following this site is insanely good. Are you sold yet?

As the true nerd that I am, I created a short list of perfect Skillshare classes for bloggers and creatives. I’m not lying to you guys, this took me a while to tame down to a reasonable number!

20 Skillshare Classes For Bloggers & Creatives
20 Skillshare Classes For Bloggers & Creatives

Bonus! If you’re interested in signing up for a month of membership, you can get a free month for each friend who signs up too. How. Freakin’. Rad! What are you most interested in learning more about? Is there a particular craft or skill that you’d love to take a class in? I’m kind of loving the branding classes above!

LifestyleLaura Jean