Season Two Is Coming In Hot!


What is it about the fall that gets us so excited to get outdoors and find some more adventure? Seriously. Well, with this newfound enthusiasm, I'm so excited to share that on November 7th we'll be launching season two of the podcast and a whole ton of fun content here on the blog to get you inspired creatively, to fuel your desire to get out into your local area and help you adventure your little hearts out!

First, the podcast! We're PUMPED about who's on deck. So, not only will we be featuring awesome guests from around the world you've come to expect, but we'll also be showcasing some fun, hangout sessions between myself and some of my favorite local artists and adventurers. Before recording our very first episode, I knew that I wanted to reach out into our new community here to pick the brains of some of my favorite makers, seekers and doers in my very own neck of the woods. We're embracing the fun, conversational side of interviewing and LOVING it. We've heard all of your guest suggestions and (I'm just going to come out and say it) I think we might have my favorite line up yet! Stay tuned... mark your calendars for November 7th and don't forget to subscribe right here, so you don't miss out on all the fun.

Season Two Teaser!

And lastly, the blog. Ohhhh boy. First, some background. When we launched the podcast for its first season, I knew that managing a blog AND a podcast (and all the craziness that comes with editing, recording, mixing, marketing, etc. and, oh yeah, maintaining a job) would be a lot to handle. So the blog definitely took the backseat on that one! But this time around, I'm even more pleased to share that the blog is definitely not taking a chill pill.

I'm filled the brim with excitement to share our newest blog series, also coming out the first week of November! It's got me giddy with delight and inspiration to explore-explore-explore and create-create-create. I'm prettttttty sure you'll feel the same way too. This series has had my wheels turning for far too long. I'll be honest, it sort of feels like I'm bursting at the seams until it's released. Get ready! 

See you guys on MONDAY!