We’re Going To…
This year, we’re doing it again! We’re traveling. We’re getting out there. Way, waaaayyy out there. Guys, I am so excited to make the announcement! Is the anticipation killing you? Are you waiting in bated breath? Are you ready?! We’re going to…
Japan and Thailand!
Yep! As some of you may remember, last summer Luke and I lived Rome for over a month and we happily bounced around in Sicily, Paris, Edinburgh and Dublin for the remaining few weeks afterwards. Both of us being teachers allows three months of our lives to be filled with unlimited adventure, and we are both incredibly grateful for that. Our decision last year was an easy one. When we both knew in our hearts that Europe was ours for a good three months, it was an unbridled excitement I’ll never forget. However, this year, determining where we would travel wasn’t the easiest decision. What can I say… committing was difficult this time around.
The choice came down to a few determining factors. 1. We wanted to get outside of the western world. 2. We wanted to experience a completely foreign culture. 3. We wanted exotic sights, foods and experiences unlike those we had in Europe last summer. 4. We wanted to get really take advantage of our freedom. For these reasons, as well as my long-standing interest in Thailand and Luke’s hopes for both serenity and chaos in Japan… we’ve committed this summer to these two beautiful countries.
As far as our itinerary goes, that’s still up in the air. We know we don’t have an unlimited amount of time (in fact, this time we’ll be traveling about half the amount that we did last summer) and we want to make sure that we take full advantage of every day we have. If you have any recommendations or insight on traveling in these two countries please please please let us know in a comment below!