Laura Jean

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My Favorite Italian Comfort Foods, Recipes & Tips For Anyone Missing Bella Italia

Self-quarantined or socially distanced explorers may find themselves in a bit of a conundrum right now. While we’re unable to get out there and explore thanks to Covid-19, there are some really simple ways we can “escape” to a far off place right in our very own homes.

I’ve always had a serious soft spot for Italy, but my heart aches for the country right now. Now is the time to send our love and help to countries like dear Italy who depend so heavily on tourism. I miss Italy so much. I cannot wait to visit it again, to support its local restaurants, to explore every museum and ancient sight - when the time is right and borders have opened again. I know so many travelers who have had their dream vacation to Italy cancelled because of Coronavirus… and I cannot even imagine the heartbreak of having to postpone those plans. Thankfully, I’ve discovered that I’m able to emulate just a little slice of dear Italia without ever leaving my apartment.

Before we get into it, I wanted to quickly ask that you all read Katie Parla’s IG stories about small food businesses in Italy you can help support through buying their products. You’ll find artisanal kitchen supplies, small, family owned Italian wineries, honey producers and more posted (… and some are available in grocery stores). Purchases right now can help float these small businesses during this overwhelming time!

For anyone who’s had their honeymoon or dream vacation to Italy thwarted, for anyone who wants to stand is solidarity with Italy during this dark period, or for anyone who’s feeling extremely downtrodden and uninspired while social distancing… this one’s for you. We may not be able to see bella Italia in person for a while, but I’ve found that celebrating Italy’s food traditions in the kitchen and practicing some of their wonderful lifestyle/cultural traditions have been a great comfort during this difficult time. Here are some of my favorite Italian comfort foods, recipes and simple tips for any traveler who’s missing or heart goes out to Italy right now…

Italian Comfort Foods (With Recipes!)

Italy is the soul of my kitchen. There I said it. There is simply nothing like cooking up a warm, homemade plate of pasta or the joy of sipping my first espresso in the morning. There are a million Italian recipes out there, but here are some of my tried and true favorites that I can vouch for first-hand!

  • Pasta al Limone

    Fresh, bright… it’s everything I crave when missing Italian summers.

  • Carbonara

    A savory, creamy dish that you’ll find is a crowd pleaser. I swap out prosciutto for bacon in a pinch!

  • Negroni & Spritz

    Italian cocktails have a piece of my heart. These are two of my standby favorites when I’m nostalgic for Italian nights out.

  • Bruschetta

    So simple, yet so delicious. Bruschetta is a classic aperitivo choice that can be altered and experimented with. I love a classic tomato, garlic, basic combination, but the possibilities are endless!

  • Pantry Pasta

    This may not be a “classic” Italian dish, but I’m OBSESSED with it. I’ll also add that a local once essentially wrote this recipe down for me to make (minus the parsley), so it feels legit to me.

  • All'amatriciana

    Spicy, simplistic and so good. No guanciale? Add bacon.

  • Cacio E Pepe

    A Roman essential that I can’t quit. This recipe is legit. No added cream, butter or any of that nonsense.

  • Other Ideas:

    • Make your own homemade pasta. It’s a time commitment, but a worthy experience!

    • Have a picky eater? Experiment with new pasta shapes and forms.

    • Pizza time! Make your own homemade margarita pizza or if you don’t have the ingredients… dress up a frozen pizza with olive oil and parmigiano after it comes out of the oven.

    • Sweet tooth? Nutella spread on basically anything feels like a sinful little Italian treat!

Simple Practices for “La Bella Vita” (While indoors!)

The beautiful life. Isn’t it what we all seek? Italians know how to do life right… it’s just as simple as that. Despite the fact that many of us are stuck at home for the greater good right now, there are some really simple tricks to tapping into that Italian perspective right in our homes.

  • Morning Routines With Espresso

    Just like how the Italians do it, start your day with a fresh espresso (or delicious, hot coffee for anyone who doesn’t have an espresso machine). Sip, savor, stand, look longingly outside. Begin your day with a minute or two with reflection.

  • Passeggiata

    A tradition of leisurely walking or strolling in the evening that I think we all need right now. If you’re craving some outdoor time, treat a walk around the block like the Italians do. No phones, no music… just time alone, walking slowly, observing life around you.

  • Savor Longer Meals

    Since we’re mostly trapped indoors these days, now there is no excuse not to enjoy a longer, slower meal. Savor each bite, let the conversation flow and don’t worry about the dishes until you’re full, flowing and delighted.

  • La Famiglia E Tutto

    Reconnect with those you’re closest to. FaceTime your parents or set up a virtual game night with your cousins. Family connection is something that is paramount in Italy, and with the longer stretches of time we now have… why not really soak it in?

  • Embrace Slow

    Italians began the slow food movement, and a slower lifestyle in general. Slow down. Disconnect, talk, draw, savor, observe. Live and and breathe deeply.

  • Indulge In Some Art

    Museums and ancient artifacts may not be a dime a dozen when cooped up at home… but read an e-book on a great master or experience a virutal tour!

Certainly nothing quite beats experiencing Italy first-hand, but I hope these can help anyone who’s struggling to find joy or “la bella vita” right now in our situation!

What are your favorite Italian comfort foods?

See this gallery in the original post