Life Lately – Happy (Almost) Weekend!

Let’s catch up! After spending some time perusing through this ol’ blog of mine, I realized that there’s actually very little I’d told you all about the little things going through my head as of late. Here are some of the odds and ends of life lately.

Life Lately – Happy (Almost) Weekend!

READING | I’m not one to really treat myself regularly. Because I’ve been saving for our upcoming travels, I’ve been doing my best to say no to the little expenses I often say “why not, I deserve this” to. However, after fan-girling over their blog content and purpose (sidenote: ladies READ THIS) for some time now, I ordered myself Darling Magazine Volume 11 and it was the best little thing I could have ever given myself. Each article is gorgeously articulated and the photo spreads and illustrations have me swooning. Each volume articulates the many joys and deeper issues of being a woman in our culture. Femininity is something to be embraced… and I’ve never read a publication so intentional, evocative or darn gorgeous. And guys, I think one of my dreams might be to one day be a part of the Darling team of writers.

AGREEING WITH | This post by Wit + Delight (x1,000). “Being alive is a messy, tragic thing. We come into the world– not on our own terms– equipped with the ability to create, love, find joy in each other, while we grapple with the fact all good things really do come to an end. It’s so tragically ugly, it’s beautiful.” YES. YES. YES.

WORKING ON | Some of you may or may not know that I also daylight as a director/music teacher. Musical season is in full swing around these parts! And let me tell you, our tech week has at its absolute, stressful-exhilarating peak right now. This is the part of the process where all directors want to cry and pull their hair out… but give it by the rise of the curtain on opening night and all of that will be washed away! Sometimes I think directing is a lot like child birth. Its all a frenzy that leads up to an epic event where we totally forget all the exhaustion and pain afterward. It’s why we go back to it every time. I’m incredibly, incredibly fortunate to work with such an amazing team that have welcomed me in so warmly. Plus, our cast is fantastic. Go team!

LIVING | Vicariously through Observant Nomad’s recent trip to New Orleans. The bayou and gumbo are calling!

LISTENING TO | Jesse Woods. I’m not going to say anything except this… be still my heart.

RESEARCHING | Recently I’ve found myself googling up a storm to find local adventure ideas. As the temperatures are breaching above freezing and puddles have appeared where ice ponds once were, I feel more inclined to be outdoors exploring. In the next few weekends, I hope to get out to do some solo trips to nearby cities in my area. So Pennsylvania natives, any and all advice on unusual/favorite/locally known places or attractions are more than welcome!

CRAVING | Is free time an acceptable answer for this? Because yes, free time. With a bunch of deadlines quickly approaching (I won’t bore you with the details here), I’ve become acutely aware of how much I value my time outside of my responsibilities.

APPLAUDING | The ladies at Local Wanderer! After releasing their newly designed blog (with a zillion and a half resources for anyone looking for travel guides all around Vancouver), I’m wishing I was Canadian and that I could join them on their newest road trip. This time last year, these two gals quit their jobs and headed on the road to Mexico. Here’s the hitch, they did this without any online assistance. Meaning, they used old-school maps. Impressive right? This time around they’ve decided to embrace technology on the road, but either way, I’m so looking forward to seeing where they venture off to. Congrats Elaine and Taylor!

Happy almost weekend to all of you!

LifestyleLaura Jean