2024: My Year of Empowerment, Transparency & Content Creation
2024 is the year my life catapults into a new chapter. I have a plan and I’m sharing it here. This is the year that I build a portfolio of work to become a paid travel content creator.
This is the year that I make changes. Tiny, yet bold moves… and finally make my first steps into the world of travel content creation and storytelling.
This post is part accountability (if I say it, it means I have to do it, right?!)… and also speaking my dreams into reality. You’ll see that my two words of the year are: “transparency” and “empowered.” More on that later.
Hi, dear readers… it’s been a minute, hasn’t it? I’m not thrilled that it’s taken me over a year and some months to return to writing here. But let me explain. I’ve gone through somewhat of a personal renaissance/rebirth. I’ve kept these changes close to my chest for a multitude of reasons. Let’s get into it…
Let’s Catch Up
I think the last time we spoke, I shared that Luke and I would be spending a dreamy summer in Rome. And so we did. My stories there (and in southern Italy) have yet to be told here on the wide, internet landscape. I’m still reeling and unpacking all the deep feelings I experienced from our time in Italy. I know I will share those stories with you all, in good time. The summer of 2022 changed my life.
On December 9th, 2022, I returned home from a very long week of teaching to the smell of garlic and homemade tomato sauce, found candles lit everywhere in our tiny kitchen - and Luke on bended knee, weepily asking me to marry him. After almost nine years of partnership, traveling the world together, and building our home nestled in the “shire” of Pennsylvania… my answer was obvious.
That summer, we planned a wedding and ran off to the U.K. with my family. I finally got my parents abroad! With my brother and his wonderful girlfriend, we savored far too many pub meals and whisky sips. I took my dad to his ancestral home off of the west coast of Scotland. A dream recognized. For him, and me too.
Flashforward to October 21st a year later and Luke and I were married on our dear friend’s property on a blustery, windswept afternoon. Dancing and debauchery ensued. It was perfect.
Photo by Sarah Gehman Photography
We hopped on a plane the next day to Paris. A cliche choice for a honeymoon, but the ticket prices couldn’t be beat! And who wouldn’t want to escape to France in the depths of dreamy autumn? Our time there was utter perfection. We filled every minute with art and food and romantic walks on the Seine. We certainly did Paris our way, and I’m so happy that we did.
Creative Resolve
Creatively, over the last few years, I’ve spent a lot of time dreaming, planning, making lists, and searching for my ikigai (the Japanese concept that relates to a person’s purpose or a reason for being).
I completed the Artist’s Way. I fell in love with 35mm film. I’m now a ravenous journaler. I dug deep into learning and trying and also recovering my sense of self after some serious creative/business burnout.
In December, with the conclusion of 2023 impending, I made a vision board. In those moments of collecting scraps of images, dreams, goals, and ambitions… it became clear. These last few years have primed me for a springboard year. I was ready. Ready to share my dreams instead of whispering them to myself, or writing about them in my journal. Ready to stop making excuses for why I couldn’t do it.
And most importantly, ready to drop the fear of failure. Because who cares? If I fail, I fail. The effort of sharing the process transparently is worth it. The practice of my art is always worth it. Becoming a better storyteller and creator through a “failure” would always be worth it… even if I “fail.”
I was ready to share what I believe my calling is. I was ready to step in 2024 with a clear mission and a goal.
So here it is….
My 2024 Goal
I’m Laura. I believe I was put on this earth to write this world a love letter. Through stories, through photos, and videos, through documenting humanity and small glimmers found near and fear. I am a travel content creator and storyteller. I’m spending 2024 refining my skills and collaborating with others to show the beauty and the mystery of this world.
And ultimately, I’m ready to get paid for doing it.
Explaining My Goal Setting Process
To accomplish my goals, I’m going to be utilizing the 90-day year method. This concept splits 365 days into quarters… or 90 days. Instead of dreaming of an ultimate end goal (ie, make travel content and get paid), the 90-day year method gives me a shorter “finish line” to sprint to.
Q1 is underway (as I write this, it’s Week 3 out of 12)! Already I’ve made checklists and Notion spreads to get me all the more closer to my first 90-day goals. If you are curious, I’m sharing my Q1 weekly goals openly and honestly on TikTok! I’ll be summarizing my quarterly wins here on the blog in more detail too!
Transparency is the name of the game here. I’m ready to face the camera (something I’ve been SO scared to do for whatever psychological reason we can unpack at a later time!), share how things are going, vlog my weekly accomplishments and failures, and provide resources for others who want to join me on the same journey.
Ultimately, I know that by pushing myself and sharing all the highs and lows… I will become the ultimate empowered artist version of myself. The version that’s been hidden in the shadows for years and years and years, too shy to come out. (Side note: if you’re reading this and you also delved into The Artist Way… you get it. I have been a shadow artist for FAR too long.) Am I slightly scared of the repercussions of sharing so much? Am I fearful of judgment, or doing things “wrong”? YES. YES. Oh my god yes.
But I’m ready to fall headfirst into this springboard year.
To You
Whether you’re a new or old reader of my dear old blog, I’d love to have your support on this big, artistic journey of mine. As I mentioned, most of my comings and goings, creations, and check-ins will be on TikTok! I’d love to be friends there.
If you’re also curious about the process of becoming a paid travel content creator, let’s encourage each other! I hope that by sharing my story, you’ll be encouraged to share your own too!
Thank you.
Signing off for now… although I have many blog posts to share about my past work and bygone adventures. So, it won’t be too long until you’ll hear from me next.
Love you,